

Fitness planning: I’m at 222 (-18)Placeholder Image

It has been two long weeks to get to my writing time. Two weeks ago I started my 14 hour work days. In preparation, I made 2 simple commitments 1). to find time to read 30 minutes each day at my A.M. in order to keep up with my learning 2). to find time to walk for 35 minutes each day at my P.M. job to keep my fitness program going. I scheduled meditation time into the parking lot between jobs. My wife, Robin and I talked about meal planning in which we agreed to keep our late night dinner light so I could go to bed comfortable. Light dinner to me means soup or salad. I would eat my largest meal at lunch, which she helped prepare. Menu: breakfast- egg cup and coffee; lunch- salad or power juice and fruit; snack- apple and trail mix. Then I made 6 breakfast egg muffin tin starters. Salad started with clean, organic and from the backyard.



Body types

While walking I have started listening to health, diet and fitness podcasts. They have reminded me of some things I learned back in college but I haven’t really used. The example of this is a Canadian fitness expert I’m listening to saying there are 4 types of body types. Each is uniquely driven by endocrine hormones. These body types are Ectomorph, Mesomorph, Endomorph, and Gonadic/Ovary. Each one carries the body weight differently.

_4 body types

Image result for 4 body types

The logic is that each of these requires a different diet, but there are lots of variations in the associated hormones with each body type which affect the metabolism of different foods in each type. Each has built into it different natural hunger times and preferred dietary wants. We all know people that get up really early and are actively doing stuff before most others. We also know people who are at their best late into the night. These 2 different endocrine/hormone driven types would require and desire different diet and feeding patterns. All diet plans are one size fits all. They can not and will not work for everyone. Each person’s diet should be constructed to work with their unique rhythms.

This week I am tracking and charting differently. I will note food consumed, calories consumed, calories burned, and the daily time each of these things happens. Then I can see if I get a little insight to me. One problem with this type of mapping is that there are outside influences like job required lunchtime, that can affect the naturally driven wants.

Parking lot meditation

Image result for photos of angel stadium parking

I practice a modified form of Zen meditation. Pop culture is starting to call this Mindfulness Meditation. I have had no formal training or education in this practice. I have read and watched information on this as well as having done it in a group setting. I have been at it for 30 years. Last week I began the daily meditation in my car; in the parking lot at Angel Stadium as I wait to line up for the time clock. I follow my breath, I concentrate and focus on it. I breath 5 times. Next, I take 3 sets of 3 breaths while mentally saying a spiritual internalizing phrase. At this point, I am noting thoughts, sounds, sensations, and watching my experience arise and pass away moment to moment. My phone alarm will bring me back and away I go back to the busy world.

Be Healthy.

In the spirit, Dave




Empowering people to live a longer and healthier life through diet, exercise, and spiritual practice.

busy fam

Everyone is busy. Right now finding time for healthy meal planning, exercise, and meditation is like trying to find the red Easter egg my brother had hidden in the strawberry patch. It is a challenge.

Sunday, the day before Labor Day, my wife and I did some planning for the week. We were looking forward to Monday off. We headed out to the local Sprouts Market for the good seasonal sale items. We grabbed bunches of needed and wanted fresh vegetables. In the afternoon, I did some meal planning and prep. I baked Muffin Tin Eggs. There are variations of the recipe online. I greased a standard muffin tin and then lined each cup with deli meat. I put in a tablespoon of chopped spinach, a tablespoon of shredded cheese and then cracked an egg in each cup. I baked it at 350 degrees for 25 minutes. I just popped them out and refrigerated. The result was 6 breakfast on the go meals. Next, I penciled out the weeks’ dinner menu. I remembered the plan vegetables first.

Mon.-garden salad, fresh broccoli, cauliflower rice, and grilled burgers.

Tues.-zucchini and fish.

Wed.-broccoli and chicken breast

Thurs.-break, night out

Fri.-fresh steamed vegetables and salmon.

If I have that much planned, I can make a nice dinner with having to think and figure it out at the end of a day.

Exercise this week included a long walk on Monday while listening to a health and fitness podcast. This walk was important because a clear message came to me during the walk. I had to write it down when I got home. I emailed it to a couple of advisors for review. One advisor called me back after a positive response and said it looked like a mission statement…and so it is. Empowering people to live a longer and healthier life through diet, exercise, and spiritual practice.

On Saturday I hustled my body and my wife out to Palos Verdes to Terranea Resort for their Nature Walk, bird education and hiking to Point Vicente Lighthouse. Then we enjoyed a salmon lunch on the patio. That’s a good day at a classy spot.


The coming work week will be 14 hour days so I am reviewing my schedule and planning to make it a healthy, happy time.

Here is a list of blog and information sites I regularly read and use as resources. You can use what you went and leave the rest.

Fit to Fat and Back online resources








Be healthy, and let me know what you think of the Mission Statement
